Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Dear Grandma: This is why I'm willing to risk my life for the love of Christ"

Do you ever notice how when you're forced to simplify something (like when you're explaining it to children), it brings a sometimes-alarming clarity to your own thoughts and what you're trying to say? Well, tonight I was writing a note to send to my Grandma with my CPT support letter, and that happened. Try putting the biggest goal/hope/aspiration of your life into a paragraph or two to a relative or someone who may not know the ins-and-outs of your life but who loves you very much. That's what I did, and here's what I came up with:

Dear Grandma,
I'm sure you've heard that I am taking a trip to Israel & Palestine in March, and I just thought you might be wondering about it, so I'd like to share with you about the organization I'll be going with, and why I want to do something like this. It is certainly not an ordinary trip, and the organization is doing no ordinary work!
The enclosed support letter will explain more [...] but basically, because of my faith in Christ (Whose love and grace I consider to be the center and foundation of my entire life) and through what I have seen, read and studied, I have become convinced that first, God desires His people to seek peace for all people in His Creation, and second, that nonviolence is the only truly effective method to bring about peace in this world.
I know I am not perfect, and still have a lot to learn about nonviolence and love - and I seek to learn from the Best Teacher of all, Who set us an example on the cross. But I am excited about an opportunity to act on what I believe in. I know there are risks involved, but I also trust in God's protection and provision. I'm willing to take any risk for Him.
So, I hope you enjoy reading this letter and I hope you'll be proud of me as I try to live out the love of Christ to the people I encounter on my journeys in Israel and Palestine!
Love always,

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