Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Mt. 19:14)
When I look at a baby, so flawless and beautiful, it's easy to believe that someday Good will triumph over Evil. And it's hard to believe that anyone would ever want to harm such a life.
When I look at a child, in all his innocence, filled with curiosity and joy, it's easy to imagine that he will do great things someday. And I wish so desperately that he can grow up and reach his potential without being attacked, injured, altered by the lies of a world telling him who to be or not be.
When I look at a youth, bold and proud, I am startled to think of the changes taking place in a life, just like happened in my own life. What influences will sway this one, and in what direction?
When I look at you, your hardened face peering at me and your abrasive voice challenging me, I wonder why you are the way you are. But then I remember, you were a child once too.
When I look at myself, questioning the one in the mirror, I realize I am trying so hard to become... someone. But maybe what I really need is to unbecome, and to undo what I've done to the other children.
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