I am focusing on the following.
*Being not afraid. This is a frequent biblical command, and a thought that often comes to me... but it's one thing to read/hear/know/think something, and another thing to be it. I believe that being unafraid will have to come directly from being secure in God's unconditional love. Right now, I think the best ways to access that love are to increase the amount of time spent in God's presence, through: prayer, meditating on scripture, praise & singing, resting, receiving the blessings and affirmations from other members of the Body of Christ.
*Being full of grace. (See the angel's address to Mary in Luke 1:28... in some versions, "favored" by God... I like the Catholic version.) Part of being secure in God's love for me is knowing that I'm forgiven. Forgiveness, of course, requires repentence and accepting God's grace. And part of forgiveness is having a forgiving heart toward others. Being aware of God's grace in my life frees me to be gracious to all those around me.
*Being courageous. I have to admit that I'm nervous about my future... as excited as I am about the things I believe God has called me to, I often struggle with a fear of failure. I think too often as Christians we are worried about doing the "right thing" rather than just living in response to God. (Because, after all, if God were so concerned with us doing the right thing, as the Psalmist said, "O Lord, who could stand?") I've concluded that I must be willing to fail. Only then will I truly be giving my whole self to God. This, of course, connects back to the need to know of God's love for me. He does love me. Even if I mess everything up. I take comfort that "with the Lord there is lovingkindness, and with Him is abundant redemption." I must remember that HE is God, and able to save, even if I am unable to do anything about a situation.
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